
Mr. X, who thinks Mr. Y a complete idiot, walks along a corridor with Mr. Y just before 6 p.m. on a certain evening, and they separate into two adjacent rooms. Mr. X thinks that Mr. Y has gone into Room 7 and himself into Room 8, but owing to some piece of absent-mindedness Mr. Y has in fact entered Room 6 and Mr. X Room 7. Alone in Room 7 just before 6, Mr. X thinks of Mr. Y in Room 7 and of Mr. Y‘s idiocy, and at precisely 6 o’clock reflects that nothing that is thought by anyone in Room 7 at 6 o’clock is actually the case. But it has been rigorously proved, using only the most general and certain principles of logic, that under the circumstances supposed Mr. X just cannot be thinking anything of the sort.

— A.N. Prior, “On a Family of Paradoxes,” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 1961