Yet more unusual names of real people. Most of these are from the collection of Leland Hilligoss of the St. Louis Public Library, via Paul Dickson, A Collector’s Compendium of Rare and Unusual, Bold and Beautiful, Odd and Whimsical Names (1986). “As far as can be determined, all of the names are real and almost all were collected in North America and the British Isles”:
- Magdalena Babblejack
- Phoebe B. Peabody Beebe
- Sibyl Bibble
- Christian Bible
- Hiawatha Cathcart
- Tensil Cheesebrew
- Adeline Dingledine
- W. French Dingler
- Ed Ek
- JoAnn Floozbonger
- E. Vercel Fuglestad
- Cashmere Funkhouser
- L.E. Vontilzer Gleaves
- Felty Goosehead
- Icy Macy Hoober
- Zola G. Hooberry
- Square Horn Jr.
- Birdie T. Hospital
- Elizabeth Hogg Ironmonger
- Mingtoy Johnson
- Epluribus Kitchen
- Varnard P. Longhibler
- Channing Manning
- Duel Maroon
- Luch V. Moga
- Otis Muckenfuss
- Lester Ouchmoody
- Loveless Pelt
- Grace Pinkapank
- Evangelist Polite
- Curt Puke
- Burger Rocket
- Melon Roof
- Goolsby Scroggins
- Norval Sleed
- Craven Tart
- Eloise Tittlekitty
- Kong Vang
- Gwendolyne Winklepleck
- Clifteen Wooters