Here is a class of a dozen boys, who, being called up to give their names were photographed by the instantaneous process just as each one was commencing to pronounce his own name. The twelve names were Oom, Alden, Eastman, Alfred, Arthur, Luke, Fletcher, Matthew, Theodore, Richard, Shirmer, and Hisswald. Now it would not seem possible to be able to give the correct name to each of the twelve boys, but if you practice the list over to each one, you will find it not a difficult task to locate the proper name for every one of the boys.
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Out of the thousands of persons who were interested in the scientific feature of that curious lip-reading puzzle the ease and unanimity with wich they picked out little Matthew as the first boy on the top row encouraged them to tackle the next, and by a large majority Matthew, Alfred and Eastman were located on the top row, Richard, Theodore, Luke and Oom on the second row, with Hisswald, Shirmer, Fletcher, Arthur and Alden below. From the many correct answers received it would appear to be an easier feat to read the motion of the lips than one would suppose.