By Alexander Yarosh. The position above was reached in a legal game, except that one piece has been knocked off the board. What was it?
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Black’s pawns have made 14 captures altogether, which accounts for every one of the missing white pieces. So the missing piece cannot be white. Both kings are in check, which is illegal, so the missing black piece must be on a2, blocking the rook’s check. The missing piece cannot be a queen or rook, as this would put the white king in an illegal double check. So it’s a black knight or a black bishop. And it can’t be a bishop — Black’s light-squared bishop never left its home square (the pawns on b7 and d7 have not moved), and all his pawns are still on the board, so Black has made no promotions. So the missing piece is a black knight on a2.
From Schachmatnaja komposizija, 2007.