More proverbs from around the world:
- A lover should be regarded as a person demented. (Roman)
- Great politeness means “I want something.” (Chinese)
- Large desire is endless poverty. (India)
- A short rest is always good. (Danish)
- A stumble is not a fall. (Haitian)
- Abroad one has a hundred eyes, at home not one. (German)
- The church is near, but the way is icy; the tavern is far, but I will walk carefully. (Ukrainian)
- A bully is always a coward. (Spanish)
- Failure is the source of success. (Japanese)
- The greater part of humankind is bad. (Greek)
- The inside is different from the outside. (Korean)
- You are as many a person as languages you know. (Armenian)
- By getting angry, you show you are wrong. (Madagascar)
- Life is a road with a lot of signs. (Jamaican)
- Old age does not announce itself. (Zulu)
- Whether small or large, a snake cannot be used as a belt. (Yoruban)
- He that is too smart is surely done for. (Yiddish)