A baseball poser from Clark Kinnaird’s 1946 Encyclopedia of Puzzles and Pastimes:
“In a spring training game with the Dodgers at bat, the first man up hit a triple, the second man hit a double, the third man hit a double, the fourth man hit a single, the fifth man hit a single, the sixth man hit a single. Yet the Dodgers did not score a run in that inning. How could this have happened? These were the only men who went to bat in the inning.”
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“One way it could have happened — The first man, who hit a triple, was caught off third while the second man was at bat. One out. The second man hit a double. On the first pitch, he stole third. He was caught off the bag on the next pitch. Two out. The third man hit the next pitch for a double and stole third. The fourth man singled and stole second; the man on third wasn’t given an opportunity to get home. The fifth man got an infield hit, filling the bases. The sixth man drove a ball between first and second. The ball hit the man advancing to second, for an automatic out. The scorer gave the batter credit for a single. Six hits, no runs, no errors.”
Related: How to win a set of tennis without hitting the ball.