By Lee Sallows: If the letters BJFGSDNRMLATPHOCIYVEU are assigned to the integers -10 to 10, then:
J+A+N+U+A+R+Y = -9+0-4+10+0-3+7 = 1 F+E+B+R+U+A+R+Y = -8+9-10-3+10+0-3+7 = 2 M+A+R+C+H = -2+0-3+5+3 = 3 A+P+R+I+L = 0+2-3+6-1 = 4 M+A+Y = -2+0+7 = 5 J+U+N+E = -9+10-4+9 = 6 J+U+L+Y = -9+10-1+7 = 7 A+U+G+U+S+T = 0+10-7+10-6+1 = 8 S+E+P+T+E+M+B+E+R = -6+9+2+1+9-2-10+9-3 = 9 O+C+T+O+B+ER = 4+5+1+4-10+9-3 = 10 N+O+V+E+M+B+E+R = -4+4+8+9-2-10+9-3 = 11 D+E+C+E+M+B+E+R = -5+9+5+9-2-10+9-3 = 12
Similarly, if -7 to 7 are assigned SROEMUNFIDYHTAW, then SUNDAY to SATURDAY take on ordinal values. See Alignment.
(David Morice, “Kickshaws,” Word Ways 24:2 [May 1991], 105-116.)