The Heist

A puzzle by Jared Z., Nicole H., and Benjamin E., mathematicians at the National Security Agency:

The chief detective hurried down to the police station after hearing big news: there was a heist at Pi National Bank! The police had brought in seven known gang members seen leaving the scene of the crime. They belonged to the nefarious True/False Gang, so named because each member is either required to always tell the truth or required to always lie, although everyone is capable of engaging in wrongdoing. The chief also knew from his past cases that any crime committed by the gang always included one truth teller.

When the chief showed up, he asked the gang members the following questions:

1) Are you guilty?
2) How many of the seven of you are guilty?
3) How many of the seven of you tell the truth?

Here were their responses:

Person 1: Yes; 1; 1
Person 2: Yes; 3; 3
Person 3: No; 2; 2
Person 4: No; 4; 1
Person 5: No; 3; 3
Person 6: No; 3; 3
Person 7: Yes; 2; 2

After looking these answers over, the chief prepared to arrest those responsible.

Which of these seven did the chief arrest?

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