“Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” — Ernest Hemingway
Author: Greg Ross
Old Folks’ Homes
Countries with highest life expectancies:
- Andorra: 83.51 years
- San Marino: 81.71 years
- Singapore: 81.71 years
- Japan: 81.25 years
- Sweden: 80.51 years
- Switzerland: 80.51 years
- Australia: 80.50 years
- Iceland: 80.31 years
- Canada: 80.22 years
- Italy: 79.81 years
Location, Location, Location

Sadly, there are no Friendly’s restaurants on Shades of Death Road, which runs for fully 7 miles through Warren County, N.J.
The sign is stolen so frequently that local residents have started greasing the pole. That’s a good trick, but it’s not appropriate everywhere.
“Vibrations of the Air”
If a person stand beneath a railway girder-bridge with an open umbrella over his head, when a train is passing, the vibration of the air will be distinctly felt in the hand which grasps the umbrella, because the outspread surface collects and concentrates the waves into the focus of the handle.
— Barkham Burroughs’ Encyclopaedia of Astounding Facts and Useful Information, 1889
Things to Come
This will be an eventful century, if our science fiction writers are right. Here’s what to expect:
- 2008: Jason Voorhees is captured. (Jason X)
- 2012: Aliens begin to colonize Earth. (The X-Files)
- 2015: Time travelers Marty McFly and Doc Brown arrive from the year 1985. (Back to the Future Part II)
- 2019: Former blade runner Rick Deckard agrees to do one more job. Ben Richards is forced to compete on The Running Man.
- 2022: New York City has become overpopulated, with 40 million starving citizens. (Soylent Green)
- 2035: Mankind lives in gigantic underground cities. (Things to Come)
- 2050: Newspeak eclipses oldspeak. (Nineteen Eighty-Four)
- 2052: New York City launches a giant ball of unwanted garbage into space. Experts warn the ball might return to Earth someday, but their concerns are dismissed as “depressing.” (Futurama)
- 2053: World War III. (Star Trek)
- 2062: The Flintstones arrive via a malfunctioning time machine constructed by Elroy Jetson. (The Jetsons Meet the Flintstones)
- 2063: First contact with Vulcans.
- 2084: Dancing is outlawed. Flash, Strobe, Laser and Pyro escape Earth to live on Moon Base Alpha to dance in freedom. (Dancemania)
Oh, and in the late 21st century Superman leaves Earth. Better hurry and get that autograph.
“Questions,” an elegy for a departed dog, by William Hurrell Mallock, published in The Dog’s Book of Verse, 1916:
Where are you now, little wandering
Life, that so faithfully dwelt with us,
Played with us, fed with us, felt with us,
Years we grew fonder and fonder in?
You who but yesterday sprang to us,
Are we forever bereft of you?
And is this all that is left of you —
One little grave, and a pang to us?
Sean Connery wore a toupee in all the James Bond movies. He started losing his hair at 21.
Self-Contradicting Words
Words whose meanings contradict one another:
- BILL (“monetary note” and “statement of debt”)
- BUCKLE (“to secure” and “to collapse”)
- CLEAVE (“to separate” and “to bring together”)
- DOWNHILL (“progressively easier” and “progressively worse”)
- DUST (“to add dust” and “to remove dust”)
- FAST (“quick-moving” and “immobile”)
- GARNISH (“to add to” and “to take from”)
- MODEL (“archetype” and “copy”)
- OVERSIGHT (“attention” and “inattention”)
- PEER (“noble” and “person of equal rank”)
- PUZZLE (“to pose a problem” and “to try to solve a problem”)
- SANCTION (“to permit” and “to restrict”)
And TABLE means both “to present for consideration” and “to remove from consideration.”
Burnt Sienna?
Celebrities’ favorite Crayola crayon colors:
- Britney Spears: robin’s egg blue
- Tiger Woods: wild strawberry
- Mario Andretti: pig pink
- George W. Bush: blue bell
- Fred Rogers: lemon yellow
More Mathematical Coincidences
32 + 42 = 52
33 + 43 + 53 = 63