The medical term for sneezing is sternutation.
Author: Greg Ross
Star Wars Hit Probability Equation
From Bespin to Yavin, the “Star Wars Hit Probability Equation” predicts the outcome of any battle:
n is the number of “bad guys,” x is the number of “good guys,” and J is the number of Jedi present (if any).
The equation reads, “The probability of a bad guy hitting his target is equal to the inverse of all bad guys present plus the cube of the number of good guys present (plus one) plus the number of Jedi present (plus one) to the 10th power.”
So the presence of a good guy reduces the bad guys’ accuracy, and having even one Jedi present is bad news for the Empire.
Famous Suicides
Famous suicides:
- Boudicca
- Cleopatra
- Hannibal
- Seneca
- Nero
- Virginia Woolf
- Ernest Hemingway
- Alan Turing
- Sylvia Plath
- Vincent van Gogh
Ben Franklin wrote, “Nine men in ten are would-be suicides.”
In a Word
n. worship or idolization of children
Rhino Horns
A rhinoceros’ horn is made of compacted hair.
Wife Carrying Championship
This July saw the Ninth Annual Wife-Carrying World Championship in Sonkajärvi, Finland.
The event, inspired by a proud Finnish history of wife-stealing, involves flinging a woman over your back and sprinting past obstacles to a finish line 253 meters away. Rules:
- “The wife to be carried may be your own, the neighbour’s or you may have found her farther afield,” but she has to be at least 108 pounds and 17 years old.
- If you drop your wife you’re fined 15 seconds.
- The only equipment allowed is a belt worn by the carrier.
The world record is 55.5 seconds, and the winner (Estonia) gets his wife’s weight in beer.
“Barbie is the ultimate ambassador for girls,” says Mattel. That’s a little dubious, given her bio. Does this sound like your daughter?
“Barbara Millicent Roberts” attended Willows High School in Willows, Wis., and Manhattan International High School in New York City. She has 38 pets, including cats, dogs, horses, a panda, a lion cub, and a zebra. She also owns numerous cars, including several pink convertibles, and she operates commercial airliners when she’s not serving as a stewardess.
She dated Ken Carson for 43 years before dumping him to run for president in 2004. (Platform: create world peace, help the homeless, take care of animals.) As experience, her handlers cited “serving in the military, acting as a UNICEF ambassador and being a teacher.”
They also said she was “well-rounded.” That’s for sure. At life size, Barbie would be 5 foot 9 and measure 36-18-33. But it turns out you can be too rich and too thin: According to research by the University Central Hospital in Helsinki, Finland, Barbie would have too little body fat to menstruate.
Cap’n Crunch
Cap’n Crunch’s full name is Horatio Magellan Crunch.
Harry S? Truman
You can start fights among copyeditors by asking them how to punctuate Harry Truman’s name.
The 34th president had no middle name — just the letter S. So the question is, do you add a period afterward? Purists say no, it’s not an abbreviation. Pragmatists say yes, if you omit the period then some readers will stop at the “error.”
Truman himself usually signed his name with a period, but he once remarked that it should be omitted. That’s why, to this day, some newspapers refer to him as Harry S Truman.
The Breakfast of Champions
Michael Jordan has appeared on a Wheaties box 18 times.