Hard to Say

A paradox by Columbia University logician Haim Gaifman:

line 1: The sentence on line 1 is not true.
line 2: The sentence on line 1 is not true.
line 3: The sentence on line 2 is not true.
line 4: The sentence on line 3 is not true.
line n + 1: The sentence on line n is not true.

All these sentence are equivalent, because each essentially restates its predecessor. Since the sentence on line 1 isn’t true, the sentence on line 3 isn’t true either. “[B]ut what I have just stated is not true, because it is the sentence on line 4 (or an obviously equivalent reformulation of it), and also this last statement of mine is not true, because it is the sentence on line 5, etc. None of these sentences can be successfully asserted, because none of them is true; but again I find myself slipping into nontruth: what I have just said is not true for it obviously includes the conjunction of these very same sentences; and also this last assertion is not true, and so on ad infinitum.”

(Haim Gaifman, “Pointers to Truth,” Journal of Philosophy 89:5 [May 1992], 223-261. See Yablo’s Paradox.)

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

In the middle of winter when fogs and rains most abound they have a great festival which they call Exmas and for fifty days they prepare for it in the fashion I shall describe. First of all, every citizen is obliged to send to each of his friends and relations a square piece of hard paper stamped with a picture, which in their speech is called an Exmas-card. But the pictures represent birds sitting on branches, or trees with a dark green prickly leaf, or else men in such garments as the Niatirbians believe that their ancestors wore two hundred years ago riding in coaches such as their ancestors used, or houses with snow on their roofs. And the Niatirbians are unwilling to say what these pictures have to do with the festival; guarding (as I suppose) some sacred mystery. And because all men must send these cards the marketplace is filled with the crowd of those buying them, so that there is great labour and weariness.

But having bought as many as they suppose to be sufficient, they return to their houses and find there the like cards which others have sent to them. And when they find cards from any to whom they also have sent cards, they throw them away and give thanks to the gods that this labour at least is over for another year. But when they find cards from any to whom they have not sent, then they beat their breasts and wail and utter curses against the sender; and, having sufficiently lamented their misfortune, they put on their boots again and go out into the fog and rain and buy a card for him also. And let this account suffice about Exmas-cards.

— C.S. Lewis, “Xmas and Christmas: A Lost Chapter From Herodotus,” Time and Tide, Dec. 4, 1955


A pleasing little detail: In Arthur C. Clarke’s 1946 story “Rescue Party,” a federation of aliens visit Earth immediately before the sun explodes, hoping to rescue its inhabitants. To their surprise, they don’t find us (it turns out we’ve fled the planet), and they comb our deserted civilization.

The explorers were particularly puzzled by one room — clearly an office of some kind — that appeared to have been completely wrecked. The floor was littered with papers, the furniture had been smashed, and smoke was pouring through the broken windows from the fires outside.

T’sinadree was rather alarmed.

‘Surely no dangerous animal could have got into a place like this!’ he exclaimed, fingering his paralyzer nervously.

Alarkane did not answer. He began to make that annoying sound which his race called ‘laughter.’ It was several minutes before he would explain what had amused him.

‘I don’t think any animal has done it,’ he said. ‘In fact, the explanation is very simple. Suppose you had been working all your life in this room, dealing with endless papers, year after year. And suddenly, you are told that you will never see it again, that your work is finished, and that you can leave it forever. More than that — no one will come after you. Everything is finished. How would you make your exit, T’sinadree?’

The other thought for a moment.

‘Well, I suppose I’d just tidy things up and leave. That’s what seems to have happened in all the other rooms.’

Alarkane laughed again.

‘I’m quite sure you would. But some individuals have a different psychology. I think I should have liked the creature that used this room.’

No explanation is given. “His two colleagues puzzled over his words for quite a while before they gave it up.”

Operation Cornflakes


To disrupt German morale during World War II, the Allies hatched a plan to send anti-Nazi propaganda to German citizens through the mail. They quizzed prisoners of war about the German postal service and drew on local telephone directories to identify 2 million addressees who might receive forged letters and subversive material. Then the letters were loaded into counterfeit mailbags and dropped near destroyed trains in the hope that they’d be collected and delivered.

By 1945 twenty missions had been completed, but by then many German homes had been destroyed and their inhabitants killed or displaced, so the operation had limited effect. Above is a striking stamp prepared for the effort — the subscript on the “death head” stamp reads “Futsches Reich” (ruined empire) rather than “Deutsches Reich” (German Empire). Altogether 96,000 stamps were prepared for the effort, but the “death head” stamp may never have been used.

The Heist

A puzzle by Jared Z., Nicole H., and Benjamin E., mathematicians at the National Security Agency:

The chief detective hurried down to the police station after hearing big news: there was a heist at Pi National Bank! The police had brought in seven known gang members seen leaving the scene of the crime. They belonged to the nefarious True/False Gang, so named because each member is either required to always tell the truth or required to always lie, although everyone is capable of engaging in wrongdoing. The chief also knew from his past cases that any crime committed by the gang always included one truth teller.

When the chief showed up, he asked the gang members the following questions:

1) Are you guilty?
2) How many of the seven of you are guilty?
3) How many of the seven of you tell the truth?

Here were their responses:

Person 1: Yes; 1; 1
Person 2: Yes; 3; 3
Person 3: No; 2; 2
Person 4: No; 4; 1
Person 5: No; 3; 3
Person 6: No; 3; 3
Person 7: Yes; 2; 2

After looking these answers over, the chief prepared to arrest those responsible.

Which of these seven did the chief arrest?

Click for Answer

In a Word

n. a fellow student

n. people whose living standards are insecure

n. passion for writing

n. imparting of new vigor

This brass plate is displayed at the corner of Drummond Street and South Bridge, near Rutherford’s Bar, in Edinburgh:

Image: kim traynor

(Thanks, Nick.)


Image: Wikimedia Commons

The goal of this logic puzzle is simple: to draw an orthogonally connected, non-intersecting loop that passes through every white square on the board. The trouble is that the board contains some number of black squares, and these are hidden. The only clues to their location are the numbers in the gray squares. In the diagram above, there are exactly 3 black squares in the third file north of the “3” indicator. And there are no black squares on the third rank anywhere east of the “0” indicator.

Gray squares can’t be black, no two black squares are orthogonally adjacent, and there may be some black squares that aren’t referred to by any of the indicators.

Knowing all this (and knowing that a solution is possible), can you determine the location of all the black squares and draw a loop that passes through all the white ones?


  • Angkor Wat and Machu Picchu are roughly antipodal.
  • WONDER is UNDERWAY in Pig Latin.
  • By convention, current flows from positive to negative in a circuit; electrons, which are negatively charged, move in the opposite direction.
  • The immaculate conception describes the birth of Mary, not Jesus.
  • “A man’s style in any art should be like his dress — it should attract as little attention as possible.” — Samuel Butler

10/22/2024 UPDATE: Interesting addendum from reader Mark Thompson: The capital cities Asunción, Canberra, and Kuwait City are nearly equidistant on great-circle routes:

Kuwait City to Canberra: 12,768 km
Canberra to Asunción: 12,712 km
Asunción to Kuwait City: 12,766 km

“Their mutual distances apart (along the earth’s surface) happen to be very close to one Earth-diameter [12,742 km]: so, sadly, they don’t all lie on a single great circle (since pi is not 3).” (Thanks, Mark.)