The scientific name of the moon is “the moon.”
Author: Greg Ross
“Flying may not be all plain sailing, but the fun of it is worth the price.” — Amelia Earhart
Prescription Abbreviations
Abbreviations used in prescriptions:
- a.c. (ante cibum) – before meals
- ad lib. (ad libitum) – use as much as one desires; freely
- alt. h. (alternis horis) – every other hour
- c (cibos) – food
- D.A.W. – dispense as written
- dc, D/C, disc – discontinue
- e.m.p. (ex modo prescripto) – as directed
- ex aq – in water
- h.s. (hora somni) – at bedtime
- L.A.S. – label as such
- N.K.A. – no known allergies
- noct. (nocte) – at night
- NPO, n.p.o. (non per os) – nothing by mouth
- p.c. (post cibum) – after meals
- p.o. (per os) – by mouth or orally
- s.a. (secundum artum) – use your judgement
- sig – write on label
- s.o.s., si op. sit (si opus sit) – if there is a need
Napoleon Bonaparte described medicine as “a collection of uncertain prescriptions the results of which, taken collectively, are more fatal than useful to mankind.”
In a Word
n. the domain or rule of fishes
Car Company Name Etymologies
Origins of car company names:
- Cadillac: Named after the founder of Detroit, French explorer Antoine Laumet de La Mothe, sieur de Cadillac. Cadillac is a small town in the South of France.
- Daewoo: “Great Universe” in Korean.
- Mercedes: The first name of the daughter of Emil Jellinek, who worked for the early Daimler company around 1900.
- Mitsubishi: “Water chestnut,” reflected as a stylized rhombus in the company’s logo.
- Pontiac: A Native American Ottawa war leader.
- Subaru: From the Japanese name for the Pleiades (Subaru was formed from a merger of seven other companies).
- Volkswagen: The “people’s car.”
- Volvo: Latin for “I roll.”
Latin Proverbs
Latin proverbs:
- Audi alteram partem – “Hear the other side.”
- Credo quia absurdum – “I believe it because it is absurd.”
- Errare humanum est; perseverare diabolicum – “To err is human; to repeat error is of the devil.”
- Ex nihilo nihil fit – “Nothing comes from nothing.”
- Festina lente – “Make haste slowly.”
- Gutta cavat lapidem – “Constant dropping wears the stone.”
- Mundus vult decipi – “The world wants to be deceived.”
- Natura non contristur – “Nature isn’t sentimental.”
- Quem di diligunt, adulescens moritur – “Whom the gods love dies young.”
- Video meliora proboque deteriora sequor – “I see the better way and approve it, but I follow the worse way.”
The motto of the Addams Family is Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc — “We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.”
More Bad Poetry
More bad poetry, from J.B. Smiley’s A Basket of Chips (1888):
The north winds are still and the blizzards at rest,
All in the beautiful spring.
The dear little robins are building their nests,
All in the beautiful spring.
The tramp appears and for lodging begs,
The old hen setteth on turkey eggs,
And the horse has scratches in all four legs,
All in the beautiful spring.
On the outskirts are celery marshes
Which only a few years ago
Were as wet as a drugstore in Kansas
And as worthless as marshes could grow,
Well some genius bethought him to drain them
And to add in a short year or two
About eighty-five thousand dollars
To the income of Kalamazoo.
The Michigan Insane Asylum
Is up on the top of the hill,
And some irresponsible crazies
Meander around there at will,
And they frequently talk to a stranger,
And they sometimes escape, it is true,
But the folks are not all of them crazy
Who hail from Kalamazoo.
Bacon’s Universe
An actor’s “Bacon number” is the number of successive co-stars through whom he can be linked to actor Kevin Bacon (hence the game “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon”). For example, Elvis Presley has a Bacon number of 2: He appeared in Change of Heart (1969) with Edward Asner, who appeared in JFK with Bacon.
Surprisingly, most actors have a Bacon number of only 2 or 3. So far, of all the actors listed in the Internet Movie Database, only one can’t be linked at all: Fred Ott, who appeared by himself in two features released in the late 1800s.
Mathematically, Bacon isn’t even the most linkable actor — that honor belongs to Rod Steiger. The average Bacon number is 2.955; the average Steiger number is 2.679.
Dust in the Wind
A dust storm approaches Stratford, Texas, April 18, 1935. On Earth these storms are actually relatively minor; on Mars they can last for hundreds of days and cover the entire planet.
Homo Ludens
All cultures play games.