adj. wandering from house to house
Morse Code Pyramid
In a Word
v. to beat black and blue
n. a knockdown blow
There was an old lady from Slough
Who developed a terrible cough.
She drank half a pint
Of warm honey and mint,
But, sadly, she didn’t pull through.
(Thanks, Rikki.)
In a Word
n. the state of being a woman
Sneezes around the world:
- France: Atchoum!
- Finland: Atsiuh!
- Iceland: Atsjú!
- Sweden: Atjo!
- India: Akchhee!
- Denmark: Atju!
- Netherlands: Hatsjoe!
- Lithuania: Apchi!
- Germany: Hatschie!
- Hungary: Hapci!
- Poland: Apsik!
- Russia: Apchkhi!
- Italy: Etciù!
- Spain: ¡Achís!
- Portugal: Atchim!
- Romania: Hapciu!
- Philippines: Hatsing!
- Japan: Hakushon!
- South Korea: Achee!
- Vietnam: Hát-xì!
See also “Lides to Bary Jade.”
In a Word
v. to pare the nails
n. nail-biting
Square Stanza
This verse by Lewis Carroll is remarkable for more than its melancholy:
It can be read both “across” and “down.”
As Advertised
The seven seas contain seven Cs:
A Chemical Compound
What’s unusual about this list of elements?
- Protactinium
- Radium
- Praseodymium
- Oxygen
- Iron
- Sulfur
- Silicon
- Oxygen
- Nitrogen
- Aluminum
- Sulfur
Assemble their symbols and you get PaRaPrOFeSSiONAlS.
Other long “chemistry words”: HYPoThAlAmICoHYPoPHYSeAlS and PNEuMoCYSTiS CArInII PNEuMoNiAs.