n. one who hates practicing the piano
Rearrange the letters in ALEC GUINNESS and you get GENUINE CLASS.
Changeable State
UNITED ARAB EMIRATES alternates vowels and consonants.
In a Word
n. work done only while the boss is looking
James Joyce thought cuspidor the most beautiful word in the English language. Arnold Bennett chose pavement. J.R.R. Tolkien felt the phrase cellar door had an especially beautiful sound.
These may seem odd choices, because it’s hard to separate sound from sense. “The appropriately beautiful or ugly sound of any word,” wrote Max Beerbohm, “is an illusion wrought on us by what the word connotes.”
Beerbohm once pressed this point with his friend Robert Hichens (related in David Cecil’s 1964 biography Max):
One day [Beerbohm] said to Hichens, ‘Do you think, Crotchet, that a word can be beautiful, just one word?’
‘Yes,’ Hichens said, ‘I can think of several words that seem to me beautiful.’
A pause.
‘Then tell me, do you think the word ermine is a beautiful word?’
‘Yes,’ Hichens said, ‘I like the sound of it very much.’
Another pause.
‘And do you think vermin is a beautiful word?’
“Odd Bill for Repairs”
One meets with curious things in the old church registers of England. The subjoined, in the Record Office of Winchester Cathedral, dated 1182, is certainly unique. It is a bill for work done: —
To soldering and repairing St. Joseph, 0 l. 8 d.
To cleaning and ornamenting the Holy Ghost, 0 l. 6 d.
To repairing the Virgin Mary and cleaning the child, 4 l. 8 d.
To screwing a nose on the Devil, and putting in the hair on his head, and placing a new joint in his tail, 5 l. 6 d.
— Frank H. Stauffer, The Queer, the Quaint and the Quizzical (1882)
In a Word
n. forceful tickling
Apple-Pie Order
ABSTEMIOUS, ADVENTITIOUS, and FACETIOUS contain all the vowels in alphabetical order.
SUBCONTINENTAL and UNCOMPLIMENTARY contain them in reverse order.
By Any Other Name
AXL ROSE is an anagram of ORAL SEX.
In a Word
n. incorrect pronunciation