n. rule or control of horses
In Other Words
Twins Grace and Virginia Kennedy were severely neglected by their San Diego parents, attended minimally by a German-speaking grandmother. They saw no other children, rarely played outdoors, and did not go to school.
They were 8 years old when a speech therapist realized they had invented their own language:
GRACE: Cabengo, padem manibadu peeta.
VIRGINIA: Doan nee bada tengkmatt, Poto.
It was apparently a mix of English and German, with some original words and grammatical oddities.
Their father soon forbade their speaking it, saying, “You live in a society, you got to speak the language.” They learned English, but they still bear the emotional scars of their neglect: Virginia works on an assembly line, and Grace mops floors at a fast-food restaurant.
In a Word
n. the study of brambles
An International Irony
In America, when both people on a date pay for their own meals, we call it “Dutch treat.”
The Dutch have another name for it.
They call it an “American-style party.”
“Cover With the Moon”
Hobo lingo:
- accommodation car – the caboose of a train
- angelina – young inexperienced kid
- banjo – a small portable frying pan
- bindle stick – collection of belongings wrapped in cloth and tied around a stick
- bone polisher – a mean dog
- bull – a railroad officer
- cannonball – a fast train
- catch the westbound – to die
- chuck a dummy – pretend to faint
- cow crate – a railroad stock car
- crums – lice
- doggin’ it – traveling by bus
- hot shot – a train with priority freight
- jungle – an area near a railroad in which hoboes camp and congregate
- knowledge bus – a schoolbus used for shelter
- road kid – a young hobo who apprentices himself to an older hobo in order to learn the ways of the road
- rum dum – a drunkard
- soup bowl- a palce to get soup, bread and drinks
- yegg – a traveling professional thief
In a Word
adj. disfigured by weeping
The initials SPQR appear everywhere in Rome — they were emblazoned on the standards of the Roman legions, and they appear today in the city’s coat of arms. The only trouble is that no one knows what they stand for. Historians think it’s probably one of these mottoes:
- Senatus Populus Quiritium Romanus (“The senate and the citizens’ Roman people”)
- Senatus Populusque Quiritium Romanorum (“The senate and people of the Roman citizens”)
- Senatus Populusque Romanus (“The senate and the Roman People”)
- Senatus Populusque Romae (“The senate and the people of Rome”)
But that hasn’t stopped everyone else from making suggestions:
- Sono Pazzi Questi Romani (“These Romans are crazy.”)
- Sono Porci Questi Romani (“Those Romans are pigs.”)
- Solo Pago Quando Ricevo (“I will pay when I get paid.”)
- Soli Preti Qui Regnano (“Only priests rule here.”)
Supposedly Pope John XXIII noted that SPQR backward reads RQPS, which he suggested meant “Rideo Quia Papa Sum” — “I laugh, because I am the Pope.”
“CAPILLARY, a Little Caterpillar”
There have always been bad students. Here’s what kids were writing on English exams 150 years ago:
- ABORIGINES, a system of mountains.
- ALIAS, a good man in the Bible.
- AMENABLE, anything that is mean.
- AMMONIA, the food of the gods.
- ASSIDUITY, state of being an acid.
- AURIFEROUS, pertaining to an orifice.
- CORNIFEROUS, rocks in which fossil corn is found.
- EMOLUMENT, a headstone to a grave.
- EQUESTRIAN, one who asks questions.
- EUCHARIST, one who plays euchre.
- FRANCHISE, anything belonging to the French.
- IDOLATER, a very idle person.
- IPECAC, a man who likes a good dinner.
- IRRIGATE, to make fun of.
- MENDACIOUS, what can be mended.
- MERCENARY, one who feels for another.
- PARASITE, a kind of umbrella.
- PARASITE, the murder of an infant.
- PUBLICAN, a man who does his prayers in public.
- TENACIOUS, ten acres of land.
- REPUBLICAN, a sinner mentioned in the Bible.
- PLAGIARIST, a writer of plays.
— From Mark Twain, “English as She Is Taught: Being Genuine Answers to Examination Questions in Our Public Schools,” 1887
A Good Word
Words dropped since the 1901 edition of the Chambers Dictionary:
- decacuminated adj. having the top cut off
- effodient adj. habitually digging (zoology)
- essorant adj. about to soar
- flipe v. to fold back, as a sleeve
- lectual adj. confining to the bed
- neogamist n. a person recently married
- nuciform adj. nut-shaped
- numerotage n. the numbering of yarns so as to denote their fineness
- pantogogue n. a medicine once believed capable of purging away all morbid humours
- parageusia n. a perverted sense of taste
- presultor n. the leader of a dance
- ramollescence n. softening, mollifying
- roytish adj. wild, irregular
- sagesse n. wisdom
- salebrous adj. rough, rugged
- sammy v. to moisten skins with water
- sarn n. a pavement
- scavilones n. men’s drawers worn in the sixteenth century under the hose
- tarabooka n. a drumlike instrument
- tortulous adj. having swellings at regular intervals
- wappet n. a yelping cur
In a Word
n. abnormal compulsion for wandering