n. one who contrives to give himself vexation
In a Word
adj. feeding on oak trees
In a Word
n. the study of jawbones
Common Surnames
Most common surnames in the United States …
- Smith
- Johnson
- Williams
- Jones
- Brown
- Davis
- Miller
- Wilson
- Moore
- Taylor
… and in the United Kingdom:
- Smith
- Jones
- Williams
- Taylor
- Brown
- Davies
- Evans
- Wilson
- Thomas
- Johnson
Top Languages
The world’s most popular languages, by number of native speakers:
- Chinese, 937 million
- English, 335 million
- Spanish, 332 million
- Hindi/Urdu, 291 million
- Arabic, 193 million
- Bengali, 189 million
- Malay/Indonesian, 176 million
- Portuguese, 170 million
- Russian, 165 million
- Japanese, 125 million
“The great thing about human language,” wrote Lewis Thomas, “is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand.”
In a Word
n. the domain or rule of fishes
Latin Proverbs
Latin proverbs:
- Audi alteram partem – “Hear the other side.”
- Credo quia absurdum – “I believe it because it is absurd.”
- Errare humanum est; perseverare diabolicum – “To err is human; to repeat error is of the devil.”
- Ex nihilo nihil fit – “Nothing comes from nothing.”
- Festina lente – “Make haste slowly.”
- Gutta cavat lapidem – “Constant dropping wears the stone.”
- Mundus vult decipi – “The world wants to be deceived.”
- Natura non contristur – “Nature isn’t sentimental.”
- Quem di diligunt, adulescens moritur – “Whom the gods love dies young.”
- Video meliora proboque deteriora sequor – “I see the better way and approve it, but I follow the worse way.”
The motto of the Addams Family is Sic gorgiamus allos subjectatos nunc — “We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.”
In a Word
n. a note excusing a student’s sickness
In a Word
n. a fruit seller
In a Word
adj. eager to marry