Car Hop

A classic railroad shunting puzzle. The segment at the top can accommodate either freight car, but not the locomotive. The freight cars can be joined if desired, and the locomotive can push or pull either or both cars from either direction. The task is to use the locomotive to swap the positions of the two cars.

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Track Meet

From Henry Dudeney:

A better class of puzzle is the well-known one of the Railway. If New York and San Francisco are just seven days’ journey apart, and if trains start from both ends every day at noon, how many trains coming in an opposite direction will a train leaving New York meet before it arrives at its destination at San Francisco?

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George Berkeley proposed that material things exist only because they are perceived to exist. In 1993, L.C. Rodó offered a suitably Berkeleyan puzzle in El Acertijo. Any piece, including a king, that is not regarded (attacked or guarded) by another piece disappears from the board. In the diagram above, every man is either attacked or guarded. But a single move (it may be by either White or Black) will set in motion a chain reaction in which all the pieces vanish from the board. What is the move?

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“The Caged Bird”

Very little is known about Theophilus Thompson, a chess problemist who was born a slave in Maryland in 1855. That’s a pity, because his work is often beautiful. Here’s a sample:

thompson chess puzzle

White to mate in two.

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smullyan undefined chess puzzle

Another retrograde chess puzzle by Raymond Smullyan. The pawn on g3 is of unknown color. During the game no piece has moved from a light square to a dark one or vice versa. Is the unknown pawn black or white?

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The Uninvited Guest's_Abenteuer_im_Wunderland_Carroll_pic_26.jpg

A conundrum by John F. Collins, from the August 1968 issue of Word Ways:

Just then, someone came up from behind and put his hands over the Hatter’s eyes.

‘Guess who!’ said the newcomer in a thin, flat voice.

The Hatter froze for a moment and declared, rather coldly, ‘I have no use for practical jokers.’

‘Ha! Neither have I,’ retorted the stranger, still keeping his hands over the Hatter’s eyes.

At that, the Hatter seemed to accept the challenge of the game and started asking a series of questions in a manner that mingled hope with care.

Question: ‘Ahem. Would you, by chance, be in a black suit this evening?’

Answer: ‘I would, but not by chance, by design.’

Q. ‘I presume you’re a member of all the posh clubs?’

A. ‘Afraid not. Never even been invited.’

Q. ‘Surely you’re better than average?’

A. ‘Yes, indeed!’

Q. ‘Not spotted, I hope?’

A. ‘Knock wood.’

Q. ‘Married?’

A. ‘No, happy.’

Who is behind the Mad Hatter?

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Between the Lines

From a 19th-century British broadside:


The love and tenderness I have hitherto expressed to
you is false, and I now feel that my indifference towards
you increases every day, and the more I see you the more
you appear ridiculous in my eyes, and contemptible–
I feel inclined and in every respect disposed and determined
to hate you. Believe me I never had any inclination
to offer you my hand. Our last conversation I assure you
left a tedious and wretched insipidity which has not
possessed me with an exalted opinion of your character,
your inconstant temper would make me miserable,
and if ever we are united, I shall experience nothing but
the hatred of my parents, added to everlasting dis-
pleasure in living with you. I have a true heart to bestow,
but however I do not wish you for a moment to think
it is in your service, as I could not give it to one more
inconstant and capricious than yourself, and one less
capable to do honour to my choice, and my family.
You, Madam, I beg and desire will be persuaded that I
think seriously, and you will do me a great favour to
avoid me. I shall excuse you taking the trouble to
give me an answer to this, as your letters are full of
nonsense and impertinence, and have not a shadow of
wit and good sense. Adieu, and believe me truly, I am
so averse to you, that it is impossible I should ever be,
Madam, your Affectionate Servant and Lover, R.G.

“By reading every other line of the above letter the true meaning will be found out.”