By G.A.A. Walker. White to play and checkmate all six black kings simultaneously with his second move.
A Mysterious Windfall
A riddle by Isaac Newton:
Four people sat down at a table to play;
They play’d all that night, and some part of next day;
This one thing observ’d, that when all were seated,
Nobody play’d with them, and nobody betted;
Yet, when they got up, each was winner a guinea;
Who tells me this riddle I’m sure is no ninny.
Who are the players?
Erin Go
Count these leprechauns:
Now swap the two upper panels and count again:
Where has the extra one been hiding?
Hidden in Sight
This puzzling verse, from a contributor named “Maude,” appeared in the Weekly Wisconsin of Sept. 29, 1888:
Perhaps the solvers are inclined to hiss,
Curling their nose up at a con like this.
Like some much abler posers I would try
A rare, uncommon puzzle to supply.
A curious acrostic here you see
Rough hewn and inartistic tho’ it be;
Still it is well to have it understood,
I could not make it plainer, if I would.
(In the second line, “con” means “contribution.”)
What are the concealed words?
One of Eduard Gufeld’s first chess coaches, A.A. Olshansky, offered him this problem:
“White to mate in half a move.”
A Curious Exchange
Census Taker: How old are your three daughters?
Mrs. Smith: The product of their ages is 36, and the sum of their ages is the address on our door here.
Census Taker: (after some figuring) I’m afraid I can’t determine their ages from that …
Mrs. Smith: My eldest daughter has red hair.
Census Taker: Oh, thanks, now I know.
How old are the three girls?
The Canals on Mars
From Sam Loyd:
Here is a map of the newly discovered cities and waterways on our nearest neighbor planet, Mars. Start at the city marked T, at the south pole, and see if you can spell a complete English sentence by making a tour of all the cities, visiting each city only once, and returning to the starting point.
When this puzzle originally appeared in a magazine, more than fifty thousand readers reported, ‘There is no possible way.’ Yet it is a very simple puzzle.
I’ll withhold the answer.
Equal Time

A puzzle from Russia:
Draw two straight lines on the clock face so that the sums of the numbers in each part are equal.
Arms Race
Four missiles are located in the corners of a square 20 miles on each side. All are launched simultaneously, and each homes in on the one on its left at 1 mile per second. How much time will pass before they meet?
Claws and Effect
From Lewis Carroll’s first textbook in symbolic logic:
- No kitten that loves fish is unteachable.
- No kitten without a tail will play with a gorilla.
- Kittens with whiskers always love fish.
- No teachable kitten has green eyes.
- No kittens have tails unless they have whiskers.
What conclusion can be drawn from these premises?