In projective geometry, every family of parallel straight lines intersects at an infinitely distant point. Chess problem composers in the former Yugoslavia have adapted this idea for the chessboard, adding four special squares “at infinity.”

Now a queen on a bare board, for example, can zoom off to the west (or east) and reach a square “at infinity” from which she attacks every rank on the board simultaneously from both directions. She might also zoom to the north (or south) to reach a different square at infinity; from this one she attacks every file simultaneously, again from both directions. Finally she can zoom to the northwest or southeast and attack all the diagonals parallel to a8-h1, or zoom to the northeast or southwest and attack all the diagonals parallel to a1-h8. These four “infinity squares,” plus the regular board, make up the field of play.
N. Petrovic created the problem below, published in Matematika Na Shahmatnoi Doske. White is to play and mate in at least two moves. Can you find the solution?

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After 1. Kg1 Black has no safe move:
- If he moves the king to e4 or f3, then the queen zooms westward to infinity and mates, attacking simultaneously from left and right on every rank.
- If he moves the king onto the g-file then the queen zooms southwestward to infinity, attacking simultaneously along all the southwest-northeast diagonals from both directions.
- If he moves the d-pawn then again the queen can mate from the southwest/northeast.
- If he moves the b6 knight (anywhere), then the queen zooms northwest and attacks along the northwest-southeast diagonals.
- If he moves the c7 knight then the queen zooms north and attacks along the files.
Given all this firepower, White’s main task is really to find a square where his king is safely out of the way. But that’s tricky. After 1. Kh1?, for example, Black has 1. … Nbd5! and there’s no mate.