Animal Behavior
Martian snakes are elastic. If you take the tail of a Martian snake, and I take the head, and we pull in opposite directions, will there always be a part of the snake that doesn’t move?
A Hungarian problem shortlisted for the 30th International Mathematical Olympiad, 1989:
Around a circular race track are n race cars, each at a different location. At a signal, each car chooses a direction and begins to drive at a constant speed that will take it around the course in 1 hour. When two cars meet, both reverse direction without loss of speed. Show that at some future moment all the cars will be at their original positions.
Black and White
Weather Report
A puzzle contributed by Howard C. Saar to Recreational Mathematics Magazine, October 1962:
On the day before yesterday, the weatherman said, “Today’s weather is different from yesterday’s. If the weather is the same tomorrow as it was yesterday, the day after tomorrow will have the same weather as the day before yesterday. But if the weather is the same tomorrow as it is today, the day after tomorrow will have the same weather as yesterday.”
It is raining today, and it rained on the day before yesterday. What was the weather like yesterday? (Note: The prediction was correct!)
Two squares have been removed from this 8×7 rectangle. Can the remaining 54 squares be tiled orthogonally with 18 3×1 tiles?
Black and White
You have n cubical building blocks. You try to arrange them into the largest possible solid cube, but you find that don’t have quite enough blocks: One side of the large cube has exactly one row too few.
Prove that n is divisible by 6.
Black and White
Going Up
A problem from the 2003 Moscow Mathematical Olympiad:
A store has three floors, which are connected only by an elevator. At night the store is empty, and during the workday:
(1) Of the customers who enter the elevator on the second floor, half go to the first floor and half to the third floor.
(2) The number of customers who get out the elevator on the third floor is less than 1/3 the total number of customers who get out of the elevator.
Which is greater, the number of customers who go from the first floor to the second on a given workday, or the number who go from the first floor to the third?