Desperate Measuring

desperate measuring

You’re alone on a desert island and want to lay out a course for some snail races. Unfortunately, you have only an 8.5 x 11 inch sheet of paper. How can you use it to measure exactly 3 inches?

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The Last Cent

You and a friend are playing a game. Between you is a pile of 15 pennies. You’ll take turns removing pennies from the pile — each of you, on his turn, can choose to remove 1, 2, or 3 pennies. The loser is the one who removes the last penny.

You go first. How should you play?

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Fish Story

I release a fish at the edge of a circular pool. It swims 80 feet in a straight line and bumps into the wall. It turns 90 degrees, swims another 60 feet, and hits the wall again. How wide is the pool?

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Changing Colors

Fifty-five chameleons live on a tropical island. Thirteen are green, 19 are brown, and 23 are gray. Whenever two chameleons of different colors meet, both change to the third color. Is it possible that all 55 chameleons might eventually be the same color?

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Wild Kingdom

Fourteen ladders stand in a row. At the foot of each ladder is a monkey; at the top is a banana. Festooning the ladders are an arbitrary number of ropes. Each rope connects a rung on one ladder to a rung on another, but no rung receives more than one rope.

At a signal all 14 monkeys begin climbing. If a monkey encounters a rope it climbs along it to the other end and then continues climbing upward. Show that every monkey gets a banana.

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You have 13 reels of magnetic tape, one empty reel, and a machine that will wind tape from a full reel to an empty one, reversing its direction. You need all 13 tapes reversed on their original reels. Show how this can be done, or prove that it’s impossible.

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