One of a Kind

You’re about to roll five regular dice. Which is more likely, rolling no sixes or rolling exactly one six?

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Sweet and Low

At age 10, Nob Yoshigahara won the grand prize in a newspaper competition with this puzzle:

Given a sack of sugar, an unbalanced scale, and two 5-pound weights, measure exactly 10 pounds of sugar.

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A problem from Litton Problematical Recreations, which attributes it to Fermat circa 1635:

What is the remainder upon dividing 5999,999 by 7?

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Red White and Blue

I place four balls in a hat: a blue one, a white one, and two red ones. Now I draw two balls, look at them, and announce that at least one of them is red. What is the chance that the other is red?

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Sand Reckoning

Using only a 4-minute hourglass and a 7-minute hourglass, how can you measure 9 minutes?

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Spin Control

We’re playing Russian roulette. The revolver has six chambers, all empty. I put bullets in two adjacent chambers, spin the cylinder, hold the gun to my head, and pull the trigger. It clicks. Now it’s your turn. Before pulling the trigger, you can choose to spin the cylinder again or leave it as it is. Which is better?

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