- To burn up is to burn down.
- Litotes is an anagram of T.S. Eliot.
- 1012658227848 × 8 = 8101265822784
- Three U.S. presidents died on July 4.
- “Grasp the subject, the words will follow.” — Cato the Elder
Someone said to Socrates that a certain man had grown no better by his travels.
‘I should think not,’ he said; ‘he took himself along with him.’
— Montaigne, Essays
Epigrams of poet Ralph Hodgson:
- Oaths in anguish rank with prayers.
- The wink was not our best invention.
- When crises pall, humdrum is sensational.
- But Woman — in whose image made?
- A sparrow in a snowstorm with a feather in his bill: that is Faith.
- Forget the slush, but keep the snow / Of Christmasses of long ago.
- Anniversary: Familiarity breeds content.
- Some things have to be believed to be seen.
- Who shall paraphrase a tear!
- There’s one thing to be said for sin — it does give conscience exercise.
- Why not Foremothers?
- The Golden Rule was called new-fangled, once upon a time.
- Blessed are the children of a nobody.
- The handwriting on the wall may be a forgery.
And “The ‘last word’ is only the latest.”
- Vatican City has 2.27 popes per square kilometer.
- Skylab was fined for littering.
- Five-syllable rhyming words in English: vocabulary, constabulary
- 8767122 + 3287682 = 876712328768
- “We die only once, and for such a long time!” — Molière
Above is the only known film footage of Mark Twain, shot at Twain’s Connecticut home in 1909. The women are thought to be his daughters Clara and Jean.
“Three blokes walk into a pub. One of them is a little bit stupid, and the whole scene unfolds with a tedious inevitability.” — Bill Bailey
Aphorisms of Sir Arthur Helps (1813-1875):
- The business of the head is to form a good heart, and not merely to rule an evil one, as is generally imagined.
- There is hardly a more common error than that of taking the man who has one talent, for a genius.
- The world will find out that part of your character which concerns it; that which especially concerns yourself, it will leave for you to discover.
- (“An eastern proverb which rightly belongs to the western world”:) People resemble still more the time in which they live, than they resemble their fathers.
- The worst use that can be made of success is to boast of it.
- Few have wished for memory so much as they have longed for forgetfulness.
- The Simoon of the desert is not the only evil that may be avoided by stooping.
- War may be the game of kings, but, like the games at ancient Rome, it is generally exhibited to please and pacify the people.
- The sun is shining all around, but there are some who will only contemplate their own shadows.
- Misery appears to improve the intellect, but this is only because it dismisses fear.
- Eccentric people are never loved for their eccentricities.
- When we see the rapid motions of insects at evening, we exclaim, how happy they must be! — so inseparably are activity and happiness connected in our minds.
- Tact is the result of refined sympathy.
- Soothe the present as much as we may; look forward as hopefully as we can to the future, still the dreadful past must overshadow us.
- Simple Ignorance has in its time been complimented by the names of most of the vices, and of all the virtues.
- Tolerance is the only real test of civilization.
- The reasons which any man offers to you for his own conduct, betray his opinion of your character.
- An author’s works are his esoteric biography.
- The trifling of a great man is never trivial.
- If you would understand your own age, read the works of fiction produced in it. People in disguise speak freely.
- We must often consider, not what the wise will think, but what the foolish will be sure to say.
“A very useful book might be written with the sole object of advising what parts of what books should be read. It should not be a book of elegant extracts, but should merely refer to the passages which are advised to be read. It might also indicate what are the chief works upon any given subject. For example, take rent; the important passages in Adam Smith, Ricardo, Jones, Mill, and other writers, should be referred to.”
From Thoughts in the Cloister and the Crowd, 1835.
“Many highly intelligent people are poor thinkers. Many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is separate from the way the car is driven.” — Edward de Bono
- It’s illegal to enter the Houses of Parliament wearing a suit of armor, according to a 1313 statute.
- “All things in moderation” is an immoderate policy.
- If a prime number is made up entirely of 1s (e.g., 11), then the number of its digits is prime.
- The word CARBON is itself made up of element symbols (Ca, Rb, O, N). (Dmitri Borgmann)
- Interior decorator Nicholas Haslam: “All it comes down to is making a setting in which people look prettier.”
07/17/2024 UPDATE: Several readers point out, correctly, that carbon is hardly the only elemental “chemical word” — indeed, some elements can be spelled in multiple ways. I’ve assembled this list from multiple contributions:
TiN is even a valid compound, titanium nitride.
Of these Borgmann had found arsenic, carbon, iron, neon, phosphorus, silicon, and xenon when he wrote in 1974, “surely the most unusual is CARBON which can be factored into elements not including itself.” But that property wasn’t unique even within his limited list, as can be seen above.
Many thanks to readers Gareth McCaughan, Catalin Voinescu, and Eric Harshbarger for writing in about this.
“What is research but a blind date with knowledge?” — Will Henry
“Did anyone ever have a boring dream?” — Ralph Hodgson