
  • It is illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament.
  • More than half of Uganda’s population is under 15.
  • 176502 + 381252 = 1765038125
  • Uzbekistan is surrounded by “stans”: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, and Turkmenistan.
  • Great Britain never puts its name on postage stamps.

In June 2011, 49-year-old Fagilyu Mukhametzyanov of Russia woke up in a coffin surrounded by weeping relatives. Realizing she was at her own funeral, she began screaming and was rushed back to the hospital, which declared her dead of a heart attack. “I am very angry and want answers,” her husband, Fagili, told the Sun. “She wasn’t dead when they said she was, and they could have saved her.” (Thanks, Mark.)

Math Notes

This equation:

122 + 542 + 695 = 211 + 364 + 784

… remains valid when the digits of each term are permuted in the same way:

122 + 542 + 695 = 211 + 364 + 784
122 + 524 + 659 = 211 + 346 + 748
212 + 452 + 965 = 121 + 634 + 874
221 + 425 + 956 = 112 + 643 + 847
212 + 254 + 569 = 121 + 436 + 478
221 + 245 + 596 = 112 + 463 + 487

And everything above remains valid if you square each term.

(Discovered by Albert Gloden.)

Product Placement

chord theorem

Draw a chord AB through a point P inside a circle, and the product PA × PB is constant — it has the same value for every chord through P.

“Again we have perfect democracy,” write Eli Maor in The Pythagorean Theorem. “Every chord has the same status in relation to P as any other.”

Under Way


A stationmaster waves his flag, and a train begins to move. There is a last moment of rest, and a first moment of motion.

But this is a problem. If time is infinitely divisible, then there is a moment between these two moments. Is it a moment of rest or of motion?

(From Robin Le Poidevin, Travels in Four Dimensions, 2003.)



“How can it be that mathematics, being after all a product of human thought which is independent of experience, is so admirably appropriate to the objects of reality?” — Albert Einstein

“The miracle of the appropriateness of the language of mathematics for the formulation of the laws of physics is a wonderful gift which we neither understand nor deserve.” — Eugene Wigner

A Versatile Palindrome

From Royal V. Heath in Scripta Mathematica, March 1955:

0264 + 4125 + 5610 = 0165 + 5214 + 4620

… remains valid if you split each term with a multiplication sign:

02 × 64 + 41 × 25 + 56 × 10 = 01 × 65 + 52 × 14 + 46 × 20

… or an addition sign:

02 + 64 + 41 + 25 + 56 + 10 = 01 + 65 + 52 + 14 + 46 + 20

Remarkably, everything above holds true if you square each term.

Can Can’t

“If anything is possible, then it is possible to prove that something is impossible. And if it is possible to prove that something is impossible, then necessarily, something is impossible.”

— Roy Sorensen, Vagueness and Contradiction, 2001


  • Asked to invent the perfect bestselling title, Bennett Cerf suggested Lincoln’s Doctor’s Dog.
  • The two most common birthdates for Nobel laureates are May 21 and February 28 (seven apiece).
  • ALASKA is the only U.S. state name that can be typed on a single row of keys on a standard typewriter.
  • 13177388 = 71 + 73 + 71 + 77 + 77 + 73 + 78 + 78
  • “I don’t know much about medicine, but I know what I like.” — S.J. Perelman