A for Effort

So many more men seem to say that they may soon try to stay at home so as to see or hear the same one man try to meet the team on the moon as he has at the other ten tests.

This ungainly but grammatical 41-word sentence was constructed by Anton Pavlis of Guelph, Ontario, in 1983. It’s an alphametic: If each letter is replaced with a digit (EOMSYHNART = 0123456789), then you get a valid equation:

   SO     31
 MANY   2764
 MORE   2180
  MEN    206
 SEEM   3002
   TO     91
  SAY	 374
 THAT   9579
 THEY   9504
  MAY    274
 SOON   3116
  TRY    984
   TO     91
 STAY   3974
   AT     79
 HOME   5120
   SO     31
   AS     73
   TO     91
  SEE    300
   OR     18
 HEAR   5078
  THE    950
 SAME   3720
  ONE    160
  MAN    276
  TRY    984
   TO     91
 MEET   2009
  THE    950
 TEAM   9072
   ON     16
  THE    950
 MOON   2116
   AS     73
   HE     50
  HAS    573
   AT     79
  THE    950
OTHER  19508
+ TEN    906

TESTS  90393

Apparently this appeared in the Journal of Recreational Mathematics in 1972; I found the reference in the April 1983 issue of Crux Mathematicorum, which confirmed (by computer) that the solution is unique.

Bertrand’s Problem

French mathematician Joseph Bertrand offered this observation in his Calcul des probabilités (1889). Inscribe an equilateral triangle in a circle, and then choose a chord of the circle at random. What is the probability that this chord is longer than a side of the triangle? There seem to be three different answers:

Image: Wikimedia Commons

1. Choose two random points on the circle and join them, then rotate the triangle until one of its vertices coincides with one of these points. Now the chord is longer than a side of the triangle when its farther end falls on the arc between the other two vertices of the triangle. That arc is one third of the total circumference of the circle, so by this argument the probability is 1/3.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

2. Choose a radius of the circle, choose a point on that radius, and draw a chord through that point that’s perpendicular to the radius. Now imagine rotating the triangle so that one of its sides also intersects the radius perpendicularly. Our chord will be longer than a side of the triangle if the point we chose is closer to the circle’s center than the point where the triangle’s side intersects the radius. The triangle’s side bisects the radius, so by this argument the probability is 1/2.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

3. Choose a point anywhere in the circle and draw the chord for which this is the midpoint. This chord will be longer than a side of the triangle if the point we chose falls within a concentric circle whose radius is half the radius of the larger circle. That smaller circle has one-fourth the area of the larger circle, so by this argument the probability is 1/4.

Further methods yield still further solutions. After more than a century, the implications of Bertrand’s conundrum are still being discussed.



What is the shape of the moon’s path around the sun? The moon orbits the earth, and the earth orbits the sun, so many of us imagine it looks something like the image on the left, a looping motion in which the moon periodically slides “backward” during its progress around the larger body.

But it’s not! The shape is closer to a 13-gon with rounded corners; there are no loops. Helmer Aslaksen, a mathematician at the National University of Singapore, writes, “I like to visualize this as follows. Imagine you’re driving on a circular race track. You overtake a car on the right, and immediately slow down and go into the left lane. When the other car passes you, you speed up and overtake on the right again. You will then be making circles around the other car, but when seen from above, both of you are driving forward all the time and your path will be convex.”

More at his page.

(Thanks, Drake.)

For Pi Day


From the prolifically interesting Catriona Shearer: The red line is perpendicular to the bases of the three semicircles. What’s the total area shaded in yellow?

Click for Answer

A Thorough Anagram

This is incredible. In 2005, mathematician Mike Keith took a 717-word section from the essay on Mount Fuji in Lafcadio Hearn’s 1898 Exotics and Retrospective and anagrammed it into nine 81-word poems, each inspired by an image from Hokusai’s famous series of landscape woodcuts, the Views of Mount Fuji.

That’s not the most impressive part. Each anagrammed poem can be arranged into a 9 × 9 square, with one word in each cell. Stacking the nine grids produces a 9 × 9 × 9 cube. Make two of these cubes, and then:

  • In Cube “D” (for Divisibility), assign each cell the number “1” if the sum of the letter values in the corresponding word (using A=1, B=2, C=3 etc.) is exactly divisible by 9, or “0” if it is not.
  • In Cube “L” (for Length), assign each cell the number “1” if its word has exactly nine letters, or “0” if it does not.

Replace each “1” cell with solid wood and each “0” cell with transparent glass. Now suspend the two cubes in a room and shine beams of light from the top and right onto Cube D and from the front and right onto Cube L:

mike keith anagram cubes

The shadows they cast form reasonable renderings of four Japanese kanji characters relevant to the anagram:

The red shadow is the symbol for fire.
The green shadow is the symbol for mountain.
Put together, these make the compound Kanji symbol (“fire-mountain”) for volcano.

The white shadow is the symbol for wealth, pronounced FU
The blue shadow is the symbol for samurai, pronounced JI
Put together, these make the compound word Fuji, the name of the mountain.

See Keith’s other anagrams, including a 211,000-word recasting of Moby-Dick.

A Pretty Puzzle


I don’t know who came up with this; I found it on r/mathpuzzles. What’s the area of the red region?

Click for Answer


Image: Wikimedia Commons

Like the Tehachapi Loop, this is a beautiful solution to a nonverbal problem. When the towpath switches to the other side of a canal, how can you move your horse across the water without having to unhitch it from the boat it’s towing?

The answer is a roving bridge (this one is on the Macclesfield Canal in Cheshire). With two ramps, one a spiral, the horse passes through 360 degrees in crossing the canal, and the tow line never has to be unfastened.

Image: Wikimedia Commons

A Bite

From the Royal Society of Chemistry’s Chemistry World blog: In 1955, when impish graduate student A.T. Wilson published a paper with his humorless but brilliant supervisor, Melvin Calvin, Wilson made a wager with a department secretary that he could sneak a picture of a man fishing into one of the paper’s diagrams. He won the wager — can you find the fisherman?


Plutchik’s Wheel of Emotions


In 1958 psychologist Robert Plutchik suggested that there are eight primary emotions: joy, sadness, anger, fear, trust, disgust, surprise, and anticipation. Each of the eight exists because it serves an adaptive role that gives it survival value — for example, fear inspires the fight-or-flight response.

He arranged them on a wheel to show their relationships, with similar emotions close together and opposites 180 degrees apart. Like colors, emotions can vary in intensity (joy might vary from serenity to ecstasy), and they can mix to form secondary emotions (submission is fear combined with trust, and awe is fear combined with surprise).

When all these combinations are included, the system catalogs 56 emotions at 1 intensity level. And in his final “structural model” of emotions, the petals are folded up in a third dimension to form a cone.