Left and Right

Image: Wikimedia Commons

Three of our last four presidents have been left-handed:

Bush I: Left-handed
Clinton: Left-handed
Bush II: Right-handed
Obama: Left-handed

The same would be true if John McCain had won the last election — he’s a leftie too. Indeed, fully half of American presidents since Truman have been southpaws, though only 10 percent of the general population is left-handed.

What accounts for this? Who knows? But UCLA geneticist Daniel Geschwind says, “Six out of the past 12 presidents is statistically significant, and probably means something.”


Denmark, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Bristol, Cambridge, Leeds, Manchester, Monmouth, Newcastle, Oxford, Plymouth, Wales, Athens, Belfast, Belgrade, Bremen, Calais, Dresden, Frankfort, Hanover, Lisbon, Madrid, Moscow, Naples, Palermo, Paris, Rome, Sorrento, Stockholm, and Vienna …

… are all towns in Maine.


The fastest temperature drop in history occurred in Rapid City, S.D., when the mercury plunged 47°F (26°C) in 5 minutes on Jan. 10, 1911.

Interestingly, the fastest temperature rise in history occurred in the same city 32 years later, when it jumped 49°F (27°C) in 2 minutes on Jan. 22, 1943.


Sneezes around the world:

  • France: Atchoum!
  • Finland: Atsiuh!
  • Iceland: Atsjú!
  • Sweden: Atjo!
  • India: Akchhee!
  • Denmark: Atju!
  • Netherlands: Hatsjoe!
  • Lithuania: Apchi!
  • Germany: Hatschie!
  • Hungary: Hapci!
  • Poland: Apsik!
  • Russia: Apchkhi!
  • Italy: Etciù!
  • Spain: ¡Achís!
  • Portugal: Atchim!
  • Romania: Hapciu!
  • Philippines: Hatsing!
  • Japan: Hakushon!
  • South Korea: Achee!
  • Vietnam: Hát-xì!

See also “Lides to Bary Jade.”

Fool Me Twice

Wyoming may be the Cowboy State, but it has an Eastern pedigree: It was named by an Ohio congressman after a valley in Pennsylvania.

Rep. J.M. Ashley named the territory after the Wyoming Valley, whose name means “at the big river flat.”

Still, that’s more authentic than Idaho.