Play-Doh was originally designed as a wallpaper cleaner.
Complete lyrics to the world’s shortest song, “You Suffer” by British grindcore band Napalm Death:
“You suffer–but why?”
It’s 1.316 seconds long, and band often performs it live.
Skill Sets
Discontinued merit badges:
- Clerk (1911)
- Horseman (1911)
- Seaman (1911)
- Mining (1937)
- Airplane Design (1952)
- Blacksmithing (1952)
- Cement Work (1952)
- Foundry Practice (1952)
- Soil Management (1952)
- Stalking (!) (1952)
- Wood Turning (1952)
- Farm Home and Its Planning (1959)
- Dairying (1975)
- Pigeon Raising (1980)
- Rabbit Raising (1993)
- Agribusiness (1995)
- Beekeeping (1995)
What did the Boy Scout say when he’d fixed the pager? “Beep repaired.”
Bad Advice
In 1887, president Grover Cleveland welcomed an old friend to the White House. Weary of the office, he said to the man’s 5-year-old son, “My little man, I am making a strange wish for you. It is that you may never be president of the United States.”
The boy was Franklin Roosevelt.
Love American Style
The Playboy Mansion is the only private residence in Los Angeles with a fireworks permit.
Hello, Goodbye
Individually and as a band, the Beatles have appeared on the cover of Rolling Stone more than 30 times.
Road Rage
Donald Duck’s license plate number is 313.
Hive Mind

A colony of harvester ants contains the same total number of neurons as a human brain.
No Hustle
The square dance is the official dance of 19 U.S. states.
The Dymaxion Chronofile
Buckminster Fuller kept the most comprehensive diary in human history, recording practically everything that happened to him between 1915 and 1983.
The assembled journals take up 270 feet of shelf space.