Famous people born on Friday the 13th:
- Don Adams
- Samuel Beckett
- Steve Buscemi
- Fidel Castro
- Julia Louis-Dreyfus
- Thomas Jefferson
- Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen
- Georges Simenon
The fear of this date is called paraskavedekatriaphobia.
Famous people born on Friday the 13th:
The fear of this date is called paraskavedekatriaphobia.
The most common birthday in the United States is Oct. 5.
That’s nine months after New Year’s Eve.
C-3PO and R2-D2 are the only characters that survive all six Star Wars movies.
Countries with highest life expectancies:
Sean Connery wore a toupee in all the James Bond movies. He started losing his hair at 21.
Celebrities’ favorite Crayola crayon colors:
Milk is the official beverage of 18 states.
Top 10 longest-lived U.S. presidents:
If Ford is still alive on Nov. 12 this year, he’ll take the record.
Snuffleupagus’ grandmother lives in Cincinnati, Ohio.
2646798 = 21 + 62 + 43 + 64 + 75 + 96 + 87