Kamikaze planes had no landing gear.
Oscar the Grouch
No science fiction film has ever been named best picture.
Status Symbol
The first Humvee manufactured for civilian use was bought by Arnold Schwarzenegger.
A Rodent Condo
The largest known beaver dam was discovered near Three Forks, Mont.
It was 2,140 feet long, 14 feet high, and 23 feet thick at the base.
Tupac Shakur died on Friday the 13th.
To Boldly Go
Captain Kirk never actually said “Beam me up, Scotty” in any Star Trek episode or movie.
Low Expectations
The first Harry Potter book was given a print run of only 1,000 copies.
Today, these copies are valued at between £16,000 and £25,000 each.
Point Nemo
If you want to be really, really alone, head for 48°52.6’S 123°23.6’W in the South Pacific Ocean. That’s “Point Nemo,” the point in the ocean farthest from any land. You’ll be in the middle of 22,405,411 square kilometers of ocean, an area larger than the entire former Soviet Union.
The point on land farthest from any ocean is at 46°16.8’N 86°40.2’E, outside the Chinese city of Urumqi, in the Dzoosotoyn Elisen Desert. It’s 1,645 miles from the nearest coastline.
The Bible does not contain the word bible.
Palindrome Years
2002 was a palindrome year — it reads the same forward and backward.
They occur only once a century. The next one will be 2112.