There’s a snack bar in the courtyard of the Pentagon.
It’s called the Ground Zero Cafe.
There’s a snack bar in the courtyard of the Pentagon.
It’s called the Ground Zero Cafe.
The longest word in the English language is FLOCCINAUCINIHILIPILIFICATION.
It means “the act of estimating (something) as worthless.”
Disneyland would fit in Disney World’s parking lot.
There have been only three periods when five former American presidents were alive at the same time:
Herbert Hoover lived for 31 years after leaving office; James Polk lasted only three months.
A monkey has one chance in 19,928,148,895,209,409,152,340,197,376 of correctly typing the first 20 letters of Hamlet (ignoring punctuation, spacing, and capitalization).
And Hamlet contains more than 130,000 letters.
Twelve percent of American 20-year-olds are left-handed, but only 5 percent of 50-year-olds and fewer than 1 percent of people over 80.
Does this mean that more lefties are being born today? Or that older generations were forced to switch hands? Or that southpaws die sooner? No one knows.
Color values of Crayola’s most popular crayons:
Americans think of the song “My Country, ‘Tis of Thee” as a patriotic anthem — which is ironic, because everyone else does, too. We stole the tune from the British, who know it as “God Save the Queen,” and the same melody has served as the national anthem of Denmark, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland, Norway, and Liechtenstein.
When England met Liechtenstein in a Euro 2004 qualifying football match, they had to play the same music twice.
The King and I has never been performed in Thailand.
The elephant is the only animal with four knees.