Two-Faced Politicians

Until 1999, Abe Lincoln was the only person to appear on both the front and back of the same United States coin (he’s just barely visible on the back of the penny, sitting in his memorial):

Now George Washington can claim the same honor with the release of New Jersey state quarter, whose reverse shows him crossing the Delaware River:

Going Once …

The five most expensive items sold on eBay (as of 2002):

  1. A Grumman Gulfstream II jet (sold for $4.9 million)
  2. A 1909 Honus Wagner baseball card ($1.65 million)
  3. Diamond Lake Resort in western Kentucky ($1.2 million)
  4. Shoeless Joe Jackson’s “Black Betsy” baseball bat ($577,610)
  5. A round of golf with Tiger Woods ($425,000)

An anonymous seller from Brazil once offered a decommissioned aircraft carrier. There were no takers.


The average Fortune 500 CEO is 6 feet tall — 3 inches taller than the average American man.

Of the 43 U.S. presidents, only five have been more than an inch below average height.


The 2004 tsunami arrives in Thailand. Its total energy equaled about 5 megatons of TNT, more than twice the total explosive energy used in all of World War II, including the two atomic bombs.

Nothing at the North Pole

Geographically extreme McDonald’s franchises:

  • Northernmost: Rovaniemi, Finland
  • Southernmost: Invercargill, New Zealand
  • Easternmost: Gisborne, New Zealand
  • Westernmost: Western Samoa

The lowest McDonald’s, 1,299 feet below sea level, is in the Israeli village of Ein Bokek, near the Dead Sea.

All in the Family

Relationships among U.S. presidents:

  • James Madison was the half first cousin twice removed of George Washington.
  • Zachary Taylor was the second cousin of James Madison.
  • Grover Cleveland was the sixth cousin once removed of Ulysses S. Grant.
  • Theodore Roosevelt was the third cousin twice removed of Martin Van Buren.
  • Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the fourth cousin once removed of Ulysses S. Grant, the fourth cousin three times removed of Zachary Taylor, and the fifth cousin of Theodore Roosevelt (although his wife, Eleanor Roosevelt, was a niece of Theodore).
  • Harry S. Truman was the great-great-great nephew of John Tyler.
  • Richard Nixon was the seventh cousin twice removed of William Howard Taft and the eighth cousin once removed of Herbert Hoover.
  • George H.W. Bush was the fifth cousin four times removed of Franklin Pierce, the seventh cousin three times removed of Theodore Roosevelt, the seventh cousin four times removed of Abraham Lincoln, and the eleventh cousin once removed of Gerald Ford.