Sound Reasoning

Wintering in the Canadian Arctic in 1822, Capt. W.E. Parry made a series of experiments to see whether cold affects the velocity of sound. He marked a line of 5,645 feet on the sea ice, put a six-pounder gun at one end, and stood with a second observer at the other end. The gun fired 15 blank charges, and the observers timed the interval between each flash and its report. Generally they got good results, giving a mean velocity of 1,023 feet per second. But, writes Mr. Fisher:

The Experiments on the 9th February, 1822, were attended with a singular circumstance, which was–the officers’ word of command ‘fire,’ was several times distinctly heard both by Captain Parry and myself, about one beat of the chronometer [half a second] after the report of the gun; from which it would appear, that the velocity of sound depended in some measure upon its intensity.

“The word ‘fire’ was never heard during any of the other experiments; upon this occasion the night was calm and clear, the thermometer 25° below zero, the barometer 28.84 inches, which was lower than it had ever been observed before at Winter Island.” The phenomenon, whatever it was, has never been observed elsewhere, but Parry noted another acoustic oddity on his next voyage.

A Chemical Compound

What’s unusual about this list of elements?

  • Protactinium
  • Radium
  • Praseodymium
  • Oxygen
  • Iron
  • Sulfur
  • Silicon
  • Oxygen
  • Nitrogen
  • Aluminum
  • Sulfur

Assemble their symbols and you get PaRaPrOFeSSiONAlS.

Other long “chemistry words”: HYPoThAlAmICoHYPoPHYSeAlS and PNEuMoCYSTiS CArInII PNEuMoNiAs.

A Giantess Gives Birth

Back in 2005 we noted that 7’9″ M.V. Bates had married 7’5″ Anna Swan in 1871. They conceived two sons; the first was stillborn, but the second was delivered successfully in 1879, weighing 23.75 pounds. Obstetrician A.P. Beach published an account of the delivery that year in the New York Medical Record. Excerpts:

  • “After a convenient time, with my patient in the usual position, I proceeded to make an examination, but was unable to reach the os uteri, it being so far up. I could not, with my hand, by any ordinary effort, make a satisfactory examination, but concluded that she was in the initial stage of labor.”
  • “At 4 P.M., on the 18th, while conducting an examination during pain, the membranes gave way spontaneously and the amniotic fluid came pouring out so profusely as to startle every one. … The bed was well protected by rubber blankets, which carried the waters over the side of the bed, where they were caught in vessels to the amount of five gallons.”
  • “The forceps could not be successfully applied because of the unusually large head which lay, with the neck, in a vagina that would measure on its posterior aspect 12 inches at least, and from 7 to 9 in its anterior.”
  • “After further consultation, as it was our great desire to deliver if possible, without mutilation, we passed a strong bandage over the neck of the child, and while one made downward and lateral traction, the other, after several attempts, succeeded in bringing down an arm, and finally after a laborious seige we succeeded in delivering our patient of a male child.”

“We believe that this is the largest infant at birth of which there is any authenticated record,” note the editors. “The placenta usually weighs one-sixth as much as the foetus. In this case the secundines in all weighed nearly half as much as the child.”

The Mummy of Birchin Bower

Terrified of being buried alive, Hannah Beswick left a bequest to her family physician, Charles White, on condition that she be kept above ground for 100 years. So when she died in 1758, White added her embalmed corpse to his collection of anatomical preparations, and every day he and two witnesses raised the veil and confirmed that she was indeed dead.

But 100 years is a long time, and the observations passed from reverent to perfunctory and finally absurd. The doctor eventually stored the mummy in an old grandfather clock, whose face he would open once a year to check on the patient, and when he died Miss Beswick was actually put on display in the entrance hall of the Manchester Natural History Museum, from which, wrote Edith Sitwell, the “cold dark shadow of her mummy hung over Manchester in the middle of the eighteenth century.”

Only in 1868, 110 years after her death, did the secretary of state issue an order for Hannah’s burial, and she was interred in an unmarked grave. Perhaps by that time she was glad of the rest.

See also My Dearly Departed.

The Stars Align

Newspapers in 1944 noted a striking coincidence:

world war ii coincidence

How can this be explained?

Click for Answer


Conclusion of an epitaph on a tombstone in eastern Tennessee:

She lived a life of virtue, and died of cholera morbus, caused by eating green fruit, in the full hope of a blessed immortality, at the early age of twenty-one years, seven months, and sixteen days. Reader, go thou and do likewise.

From Epitaphiana: or, The Curiosities of Churchyard Literature, 1873.

Try, Try Again

Inventions submitted to the U.K. Patent Office by Arthur Paul Pedrick, 1962-1976:

  • “Reducing the Tendency of a Golf Ball to Slice or Hook by Electrostatic Forces”
  • “Speed-of-Light-Regulated Clock”
  • “Internally Explosive Nail”
  • “Automobiles Driven From the Back Seat”
  • “Using Warning Lights to Prevent Motorists Bashing Into and Killing Each Other, Particularly on High-Speed Motorways in Fog”
  • “Improvements in the Irrigation of ‘Deserts’ by Snow Piped From Polar Regions for the Purpose of Minimising the Impending World Famine”

In all, Pedrick filed 162 patents in that period. The man himself is a bit of a mystery, but it appears that his principal colleague at “One Man Think Tank Nuclear Fusion Research Laboratories” was a cat. We know this because “Ginger” is credited in Pedrick’s crowning achievement, “Photon Push-Pull Radiation Detector for Use in Chromatically Selective Cat Flap Control and 1000-Megaton Earth-Orbital Peace-Keeping Bomb” (above), submitted shortly before his death in 1976. The sensor would distinguish Ginger from the black cat next door — and also detect a nuclear attack and launch a reprisal from orbit.

It’s not clear whether Pedrick actually built one. Let’s hope not.